
Miniature Smooth Black and Tan Dachshund from
Cassadaga, NY
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by doxiemom2
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I am a dolly my mom says!
that is NOT my crate! that is the CATS!
Rating: 9.8657 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food: anything now!!
Favorite treat: again, loves it all!!
Favorite toy: her Christmas giraffe
Favorite spot to sleep: next to mama on the couch!
Archenemy: none, but does bark if she sees anyone come to the driveway!
doxiemom2 writes:
7/2014 Winnee, is now the big sister! She still loves is outside more than anything, and is the most loving dog! She eats likes crazy but keeps her girlish figure from being outside! She now has a new brother Brownee, and a little sister Leenee.. hence changing her name from Winnie to WinnEE.. Pics to follow! Winnee will be 5 this year, and truly is the most Dedicated dog to me! She is amazing! I think since losing her sister, she has stepped up and is a big girl now.. not in size but in personality! She has even learned SHAKE with her paw!!
2009- Winnie is little sister in every way! She came to us, unexpectedly! She is Roxy's true sister, just one year younger. (2009) Her breeder asked us to rescue her from a bad situation, and we made a 5 hour trip to get her! She is shy and delicate. She has made some good strides after we figured out what she would eat and agree with her. She is more active and happy now! Her 'tummy troubles' are gone! We found she loves playing and running in the snow, which seems funny for a timid pup!! We love her very much!
snuggling with Roxy, my big sister!
Me and Sissy
Me, Sissy, and oh yeah, Fred.. the cat, the bed stealer,... we're catching some sun!
Me in snow!!
This is how us doxies get 30's taller, we play in the snow! I can't believe I decided I like the snow!! WOW Mommy is shocked!
Comments about Winnie
October 15, 2021 9:36 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Winnie!
I hope your day of doxie fame is fun filled with extra treats and hugs!
March 6, 2018 9:17 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Winnie is the Winner today!
Congrats Winnie on being chosen as DOTD and I hope the day brings lots of treats. Stay warm as spring is near sweetie.
March 6, 2018 5:28 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Hi Winnie
So thrilled to see a cute little girl like you as DOTD. Hope you and your family are all doing well. Enjoy your day of special recognition.
September 4, 2014 8:41 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Hello Girls
It is with much sadness that I must tell you that Herbie left me today for the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. He enjoyed visiting with you and will continue to do so in his honor
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