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Black and Tan Smooth Miniature Dachshund from Franklin, WI pet profile submitted by JenPhe

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Bath Time

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  Rating: 9.8660 bones (out of 10)
Rating: 9.8660
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Favorite food:

Castor and Pollux

Favorite treat:

Bully Sticks

Favorite toy:

Hide a Squirrels

Favorite spot to sleep:

Mama's legs, behind mama on the back of the couch or snuggled up with Daddy


Cars on her street. She barks from the window at any intruders. However, she's not so fierce when she's actually outside!

JenPhe writes:

We adopted Duchess from the Midwest Dachshund Rescue ( She was 6 months old and already in rescue! Who could say no to her precious face and her kissses? She is so sweet and loving. When we first adopted her she didn't know how to play with toys and she was very timid. Her brother Baron taught her how to play with toys. She loves playing with and chasing her brother Baron. In the years we've had her we've watched her blossom. She is the sweetest little girl, full of love and kisses. She now has 3 human siblings and 2 cat siblings and she's a great big sister. Sadly we lost Baron in 2020 and we all miss him dearly. Duchess really struggled with his death, crying herself to sleep and seeming lost without him. She's finding her own way now and is settling in to her role as the oldest. She keeps guard, barking and protecting the yard from pesky squirrels. In 2016, she slipped a disk and while she mostly recovered we are seeing her age start to catch up with her. We are grateful for all the time we have with her.

Waiting at the window
Duchess and Baron sitting at the window waiting for Dad to come home from work.

Checking out Grandma's Yard in Springfield

Chewing on a Bone
Duchess is the little one with the bone. She loves enjoying bones while her brother Baron watches. He occasionally tries to steal it but Duchess always wins!

Sitting Pretty

Playing with my Hide a Squirrel

Watching Over the Backyard
Duchess Loves sitting on Dad's lap and watching over the backyard.

Lounging on the couch!

Comments about Duchess

October 6, 2022 9:47 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


I hope you have an AWESOME day as our DOTD, and I'm wishing you good health in the coming years!,

February 24, 2019 2:14 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Darling little Duchess

Congratulations on being DOTD special girl. It was a blessing that you were reacued while still young and are able to live with loving human parents and a playful and patient brother. Enjoy your day of fame and know that you will be forever loved

February 24, 2019 9:49 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Congrats Duchess!

What a sweet girl you are Duchess and a great choice as DOTD! I hope your special day is filled with extra hugs and kisses.

July 10, 2015 11:19 pm
by doxlvr1 from Miranda, CA Proud owner of Lulu Longbody

You are one beautiful girl. Come and see my page, Bubba Da Wubba. XOXOX

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Greycie & Charlie Brown Lola Jean Henry Maddie
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Dewy Slinky Cookie (Monster) Odie
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