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Piggles Wiggles

smooth mini Dapple Dachshund from ATASCADERO, CA pet profile submitted by FoxyDoxyRescue

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Oh my precious
She is our angel girl! We love her soo much it is scary! She is sitting in my lap tucked under the bottom of my sweatshirt right now!

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Piggles Wiggles

Favorite food:

Taste of the Wild

Favorite treat:

Anything and everything! Love to go to Tails in San Luis Obispo and beg the girls for samples!

Favorite toy:

Anything she can pull the stuffing out of! Or just hunting with mom!

Favorite spot to sleep:

With mom or dad right on their lap!


She hates the vacuum!

FoxyDoxyRescue writes:

Hi my name is Piggles!
I am the daughter of Torey and Tobey and I was born on August 13th of 2006.
Yes I know strange name but it is because when I was born I was not breathing and was dead! My grandma June gave me CPR and I came back to life! Ya I know thanks grandma JUNE! I did not have great lungs and my heart was not really good either! So I made strange noises sometimes! It scared my poor mom to death! But after a while and many trips to see my favorite vet Dr. Dena mom finally realized it was going to be ok! So since I made noises like a pig and a little kids giggle she started to call me Piggles! My real name was Sophie!
Mom thought I would never survive so she spoiled me rotten! I am her baby love princess! I get way more attention that anyone else in the house and it drives dad nuts! Even now if I want in mom's lap she will move the foster kids and let me in!
I like to hunt for mice! I have found it to be quite a fun sport to do with my mom, dad and Chloe! Today mom took me in the shed with her and once she knew where they were we were on a mission! Three ran and I caught one! But since I am new to this I panicked! I threw it in the air and mom screamed! It got away! But mom says we will try again tomorrow. I caught one in the house about a month ago and mom and dad were very proud!
I also like to go to the lake, go to our Dachshund meet ups and keep all the big dogs out of our area! No one but wieners allowed!
I also love to go out of town with mom and dad! The last place we went was Santa Barbara and we went to the Off Leash which is a great doggy boutique! Mom always gets us some kind of treat and if she can get away with it another outfit! Dad says we have enough clothes!

This is a RUNT!
This is my little runt Piggles! She is out running around grandma deck!

Piggles snuggles
Here is the precious princess sleeping in bed :-)

Piggles and Meg
This is Piggles and her big sissy Meagan! Meagan was taken to the bridge in February of 07. She was a great friend to my little ones! We all miss her!

I's Busy MOM!
Mom can't you see I am busy! Really mom go away you will scare the mice away!
I have a perfect hiding spot right here and I am ready!
Piggles got her first mouse just last month!

OMG precious
This is Piggles Wiggles giving you her oh so cuddly look!

Fashion Plate
Here is Piggles looking as cute as ever. This is in San Francisco watching the birds while we ate lunch!

My heaven
I love this photo and had no idea how adorable it would be when I took it! This is Piggles sitting on my lap looking out at the lake! They love to go and play!

Comments about Piggles Wiggles

November 28, 2022 9:19 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

What a Sweetie!

I hope all is well in your world as our DOTD once more!

April 18, 2019 9:45 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Hello Piggles Wiggles!

What a cute name for such a gorgeous girl, so glad to see you enjoying life. Enjoy your big day with all your family.

September 1, 2015 9:20 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Ms Wiggles

Glad to see you as DOTD. Hope you are getting the Queen treatment you deserve(Herbie's mom)

July 25, 2012 8:40 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Hi Piggles Wiggles

Your pictures are awesome. You look like a STAR Doxie in all of them. Thanks for sharing.

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