
Miniature Dachshund from
Vista, CA
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by SteaksMom
Steak and Mama and Baby Gorilla
Steak's first day with a big and small gorilla squeaky toy! The little one was bought a week prior by my sister and he loved it! When we took him to the store to pick a new toy, I think he thought that was his. I can hardly get a full hand grip on the big one! He grabbed the mama gorilla by her head and carried her home just like that. :)
Rating: 9.9412 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food: Anything on our plates or on the counter.
Favorite treat: Happy Hips!!
Favorite toy: Whichever must be destroyed!
Favorite spot to sleep: Right between mommy and daddy!
Archenemy: Blow-dryer, hair straightener, groceries and anything else that takes attention from him :)
SteaksMom writes:
August 29, 2019 - Steak trotted over the Rainbow Bridge as we held him in our home. I love you Steaky <3
Steak is going on 14 years old!!!!!! But still has as much energy as a puppy! He is a very happy boy and makes us super happy as well! Honestly not much else has changed with him! Hes a grouchy old man who gets sports of his old snuggly puppy self
Squeaky toys, tug-of-war and anything he's not supposed to chew on are his favorite things! When we lived walking distance from the pet store, he'd carry a new toy it in his mouth all the way home (about half a mile). Now he just carries it to the car, but it's just as cute. <------ he still does this!!!
Even though, he doesn't quite understand the part about fetch where you're supposed to bring it back, it's still fun to see if we can be quicker than him to grab the toy to throw it again. We wouldn't change one thing about him!
He is full of personality and face licks! I could obviously go on and on about him, but I'm sure this has limited length.
Almost 14 now!
More distinguished but still the same. A grumpy old man with a heart of a pup! Still my whole world and has been across the Pacific Ocean and back, living in Hawaii for 4 years and loving the beach and the ocean ♡ loving Southern California and his new big yard that he rules (and the house of course)!!!
Steak chewing on Gorilla's head
That is the mama gorilla's head in his mouth!
Valentine's Day
I put some of those little heart stickers on Steak's nose and he was less than thrilled, but looked super cute staring at it.
Steak in his guitar T-Shirt
My older sister got this shirt for Steak for my birthday. . .if that makes sense. He looks like such a rockstar!
Steak in the park
This is Steak in the field of a local Junior High School. This was one of his first pictures that we still have. I think he's 2? That's his little tongue!
Just a picture of Steak.
This is Steak helping my husband and I celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary. He looks sad because we just got back from dinner and he was all alone :(
Comments about Steak
April 10, 2022 9:23 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Angel DOTD!
It's nice to see Steak honored as our DOTD after a lifetime of unconditional love, the good memories will never fade!
January 14, 2020 10:14 pm
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Loved Always!
Steak you were truly loved and the good memories will live on, you left their lives but not their hearts. RIP sweet boy
August 30, 2018 9:31 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
DOTD Forever!
Thinking of you today Steak!
January 14, 2015 7:58 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Congratulations Steak
You are such a handsome boy. Hope you are enjoying your special day of fame. It is always fun to read your profile and look at your pictures. May you always only know love, respect, kindness and good health(Herbie's mom)
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