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short haired red miniature dachshund from Dearborn Heights, MI pet profile submitted by RingosMomma

Ringo wanted to be held, I love the sweet expression on his face!

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Favorite food:

hamburger, cheese, fruit, veggies (all organic)

Favorite treat:

cheese, cream of buckwheat cereal (all organic)

Favorite toy:

Simply Fido Organic Rabbit, Penguin, & Monkey

Favorite spot to sleep:

in my lap


water, loud machines (trucks, lawn mowers, etc), insects

RingosMomma writes:

I got Ringo on March 18, 2005. He was 12 weeks old. I hadn't had a dog in over 2 years, when my last dachshund passed away very young from cancer. I was devastated, and didn't think I'd ever get another dog again. But, for reasons I can't explain here (since I'm planning on writing a book about it), I started looking at rescue and breeder websites in late December 2004. I still didn't feel ready for another dog, but felt compelled to look. It was very difficult emotionally. But on March 18, I came to a breeder's website, and when I found they were near my home, I gave them a call. My mom and I went to their house that day, and they handed Ringo to me. He was shaking, but stopped when we looked into each other's eyes. He was so sweet and tiny, I was lost. As I watched him play on the floor, I felt such a connection to him. I knew I couldn't leave without him, so we brought him home that day. He is the sweetest, most playful little guy, and he means the world to me. I feel so blessed that God sent him to be with me, he brings me so much love and joy! My parents really love him too. Every day he gives me a reason to get up in the morning, and he makes everything so much more fun and exciting. He's always by my side, and I love him more than words could ever express. He is also my inspiration - I am an artist, and he has inspired and modeled for my latest project, a book of dachshund fairy tales ^_^ Ringo will be 9 years old on December 12, but he still acts very much like a puppy. I think he always will...

Just wanted to let you all know that my book, Dachshund Furry Tails: Russia, is now available! It features 11 stories based on traditional Russian fairy tales, but all the main characters are dachshunds instead of people ^-^ It has full color illustrations, and is suitable for adults or children. Currently is available from the publisher, on my page, here:
It's also on, here:

And here is my Cafe Press gift shop - it contains items with all the images from the book,o so if you are curious about what the book illustrations are like, you might want to check it out :D

I now have a store on Zazzle too, it has some different items from my other one ^_^*

Both stores also have my other dachshund illustrations, and photos of Ringo.

In his Halloween t-shirt - he loves wearing clothes

Up Close and Personal :P
Ringo loves getting his picture taken - when he saw me with the camera he got right up in my face, so I had to take a picture!

With his favorite toy, Lizzy Lizard

In his new ZenHaus bed ^-^

The breeder was using Ringo & his brother to model doggy clothes she was selling on Ebay, she was kind enough to send me the pictures she took. He was 10 weeks old in this one.

In his organic cotton t shirt

With his "friends" looking out the window

Comments about Ringo

September 3, 2024 9:23 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

DOTD Always!

It was nice to read about you this morning and you will be in my thoughts today as our handsome DOTD!

January 19, 2021 4:30 pm
by Bucks Cty Mike from Sellersville, PA Proud owner of Maci (Mary Grace)

A pleasure to wish you the best, DOTD Ringo...

And in your honor, Anne, Georgia Belle, the memories of Bella Joy and Maci Grace and I will drive over to Ringos NJ and have an A & W Root Beer to celebrate with you! Best ever we all hope you are doing very well!

January 19, 2021 10:03 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


I hope this day finds you Ringo enjoying all the fame that DOTD brings to handsome guys like you!

January 19, 2021 7:28 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Ringo my special friend

Always a pleasure to see you as DOTD. You have been such a special friend through the years.

Read all comments (37 total)

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MacKenzie Cory Jo Slinky Beanie
Herbie Sidney Chip Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni
Peyton Slinky Gidget Buford
Rudy Ginger Jazz DAISY
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Mocha Chloe Chandler Lola Jean
Dewy Peanut Frankenstein Macy and Bailey
Caleb Kasper Bianca Danby & Payton
Bonnie and Hopi Franklin Piper Ann Lil' Ally
Joe Webster Reisa Odie
Willow Rosen-Berg Stan Cassidy Killian
Winston Oliver Heidi Daisy
Hannah Looie Georgie Phoebe
Mitzi Harley Bunny Chloe

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