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Honey Dapple Dachshund from Haines City, FL pet profile submitted by Kimberly

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My sweet girl ~ Muffin
This photo was taken 1 hour before Muffin died. We had NO clue she would be leaving us this day! We miss you sweetheart.

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  Rating: 9.9725 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food:

Toast & Eggs

Favorite treat:

Dunkin Donut's Munchkin's

Favorite toy:

Her stuffed bear

Favorite spot to sleep:

Next to Mommy


Any loud noises - I'm a woos!

Kimberly writes:

September 15, 2019: Our sweet little grey goose left us heartbroken this day as she travelled to the Rainbow Bridge to be with her sister Lily Belle. Muffin was 13+ years old. Our lives are forever changed now.

2010: Muffin was adopted by my Mom and Dad 5 years ago, after they fell in love with my doxie, Lily Belle. Muffin & Lily spent the summers together as Mom and Dad were snow birds. They instantly became best friends. After a brief illness, Mom passed away in April (2008). Mom made me promise her to forever take care of Dad and Muffin. Over the past few months, many changes have taken place. We all moved into one big house so Dad wouldn't be alone. Muffin & Lily are thrilled to now be "forever Sisters". They have 1.43 acres of birds, deer & squirrels in the new yard to chase after! Life handed us all lemons when Mom died, but with our 2 Doxie's we make the BEST lemonaide!!

Doxie's help heal the heart and souls of Humans...

2009 Update: Muffin is doing just great! She is our little snuggle bunny and just a joy to have around. Muffin just turned 5 years old and still has a lot of puppy in her.

Update - October 2, 2010
Muffin is still our little shy girl. She just adores her big sister Lily Belle and follows her every move (except for going on walks). I never knew a dog who hates to walk! You pull out the leash and Muffin runs and hides. Muffin loves to walk freely and explore the golf course when we are in Florida with Grandpa. But you can just forget that leash. She continues to hate any loud sounds and is very afraid of lawnmowers. She is definately a sun dog and will roam from room to room to find any ounce of sunshine to sleep in. Hard to believe she's a chubby wubby when she is such a picky eater. She will turn 6 at the end of December. We all just love Muffin so much - she really is a special little Doxie!

Update: Feb. 2012

Muffin is now enjoying having everyone in FL with her for the winter. Daddy Rolf retired at the end of 2010 so now we ALL get to frolic in the sun. Sister Lily is enjoying being here too with Muffin. Muffin is still our little Love Bug!!!

My First Mommy
This is one of the last photos taken of my Mommy and me before she left for Heaven (2008). I miss her terribly but am doing great living with Aunt Kim.

Lily Belle & Me
We're together again at the Rainbow Bridge.

I just love to be warm and snuggly!

Daddy & Me
This is my 1st Daddy and he loves me sooo much!

Florida Fun
Just love to roll around in stinky stuff!

Sunny Weather
Working on my tan in Florida

Doxie Parade 2009
This is my Mommy (formerly known as Aunt Kim), me and my big sister Lily Belle. Mommy loves us both and takes us to the parade every year. I don't like it too much, as I'm still scared of all the other doggies. I bark a mean bark, but deep down I'm a woosie!

Comments about Muffin

November 22, 2022 9:29 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


Muffin was such a beautiful girl and loved everyday as was her sister! Both of you will be DOTD in your home forever.

April 12, 2019 9:44 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


Muffin you lived the life that we wish all doxies could, loved always and missed dearly. RIP Sweet Muffin.

April 12, 2019 4:07 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Sweet Little Ms Muffin

Such a beautiful and fitting profile memorial your adopted mom made for you. In life you were loved unconditionally and although you are no longer here with us you are still loved and remain in our hearts and memories. DOTD Forever. Love never ending

December 31, 2017 7:03 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Happy New Year Muffin.

I truly wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year. Praying this new year will be filled with happiness and good health

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