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Bella Serra

Miniature Dachshund from Roscoe, TX pet profile submitted by IluvBellaSerra

Bella saying Cheeeeeese!

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  Rating: 9.5510 bones (out of 10)
Rating: 9.5510
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Bella Serra

Favorite food:

EUkanuba Small Breed

Favorite treat:

PetCo Cookies

Favorite toy:

Any thing my sister might have that I want.

Favorite spot to sleep:

Mommys lap of course! But she will climb in her pillow case and sleep.


The pecan pickerupper and the riding lawnmower! She does not like it at all!

IluvBellaSerra writes:

Bella is such a sweet heart. She has two big sisters that she picks on.
She gets what she wants because she is the "BABY"
She is persistent and the other girls will walk away from what they have and let her have it.
I bought her from a wonderful person here at work that had babies and went and picked her out and took her the first present she was to receive.
She brightens any ones day :)

Bella is an absolute diva. I dont know how she got that way but she did. We just purchased her a CANOPY bed and she is very territorial over it. Pugslie thought she would climb in with her and she wouldn't allow it. I do what I can to make this KID (dog) happy.
Bella is fixing to be 2 years old and I dont believe I could love a KID (dog) this much but I do.

Bella loves to dig in her sand box her daddy built her. She is just a tad bit spoiled. He built her a two level sand box. If he spoils her any more she will stink.

Bones are Bellas friend
Bella is fierce when it comes to her bones. No one is allowed to touch!

I get to visit mom at her office
This was on her BIRTHDAY. Dad and her spent "Daddy-Daughter" time. She got to ride into town with him all by herself.

Bella being the DIVA
Diva Doxie

Bella in her new Canopy Bed
This is her very own diva bed. Can you tell she is SPOILED?

huh Mommy?
I am REQUIRED to have a blanket at all times for her.

Her 1st watermelon taste
She wasn't really sure about watermelon. She ate a little bit of it.

Snuggle Sack
I ordered this snuggle sack to replace the pillow case she likes to sleep in. As you can see.. she loves it!

Comments about Bella Serra

February 22, 2023 9:41 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


It's nice to see such a Diva and beautiful girl honored today as DOTD!

July 13, 2019 4:11 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Special DOTD

Bella will forever be DOTD. Nice to see her today once more

July 13, 2019 10:01 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Beautiful Bella!

Thinking of you today Bella as our DOTD!

November 25, 2015 11:37 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Bella

You are such a beautiful DOTD. I can see why you are loved so much. Enjoy your special day of fame. Hope you get a lot of extra treats and hugs(Herbie's mom)

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