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silver double dapple dachshund from eden, NC pet profile submitted by lilmissykris

what love!!
if only humans loved the way dogs do!!!

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  Rating: 9.9308 bones (out of 10)
Rating: 9.9308
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Favorite food:

solid gold

Favorite treat:

small ones

Favorite toy:

stimpy the cats mouse's

Favorite spot to sleep:

in the big bed under the covers


tall men

lilmissykris writes:

My name is Daisy and I was 3 on December 12. Im a very healthy silver double dapple doxie.

Daisy loves to play with her cat Stimpy. She also loves to ride, and even goes to work with her mama. She is very loveable and especially enjoys when kids come to visit. Everyone loves to stop and look at Daisy because she has blue eyes. Daisy loves to give kisses and sleep in your lap and under the covers in the big bed. Daisy is a great addition to our family. (my mommys new website)
i do sell my harnesses if theres not one on the etsy website,.. feel free to inquire on my email. (

moms making collars now!! they are $10 plus shipping!!

8-21-11 weve just got another doxie : ) his name is Miles and an absolute joy! It's great to have the puppy spunk back in the house! Daisy's not so sure about a puppy, but shes coming around! hopefully theyll be best buds before long! He was born 3-31-11 to a breeder locally! i have to say her pups have the absolute best temperment and love!

hanging out at our new beach house
watching the grill master.. justin (my brother)

a hard days work
on the way home from work.. such a hard day

on the road again
such a beautiful girl

all grown up!
i cant believe how much miles has grown up! hes a complete joy and has been light to me while ive been in a dark place! sweet boy


Favorite food:

solid gold

Favorite treat:

small ones

Favorite toy:

stimpy the cats mouse's

Favorite spot to sleep:

in the big bed under the covers


tall men

lilmissykris writes:

My name is Daisy and I was 3 on December 12. Im a very healthy silver double dapple doxie.

Daisy loves to play with her cat Stimpy. She also loves to ride, and even goes to work with her mama. She is very loveable and especially enjoys when kids come to visit. Everyone loves to stop and look at Daisy because she has blue eyes. Daisy loves to give kisses and sleep in your lap and under the covers in the big bed. Daisy is a great addition to our family. (my mommys new website)
i do sell my harnesses if theres not one on the etsy website,.. feel free to inquire on my email. (

moms making collars now!! they are $10 plus shipping!!

8-21-11 weve just got another doxie : ) his name is Miles and an absolute joy! It's great to have the puppy spunk back in the house! Daisy's not so sure about a puppy, but shes coming around! hopefully theyll be best buds before long! He was born 3-31-11 to a breeder locally! i have to say her pups have the absolute best temperment and love!

Comments about Daisy

March 19, 2024 9:21 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

DOTD Daisy!

Daisy will be in our thoughts today as our sweet DOTD!

August 5, 2020 8:21 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Congrats Daisy!

I hope your day of doxie fame finds you enjoying good health and lots of love!

August 5, 2020 6:53 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Special DOTD

Daisy is the perfect DOTD

January 2, 2017 7:57 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Ms Daisy

So very nice to see you as DOTD. You are such a pretty girl. It is so nice you get to go to work with your mom. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Read all comments (142 total)

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HUNTER Beanie Emma Luke
Logan Bella Serra Gretchen Marie The Doxiefollies Villa
Buchanan (Boo) Ginger Cassidy Kody Monster
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