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Long haired mini doxie from Macon, GA pet profile submitted by Papi

I love it out here!
Manny outside.

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Comments about Manny

  Rating: 9.8550 bones (out of 10)
Rating: 9.8550
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Favorite food:


Favorite treat:


Favorite toy:

red laser light

Favorite spot to sleep:

between Noni & Papi under the covers


the vacuum cleaner

Papi writes:

We got Manny when he was 7 weeks old and he has been a part of our family ever since. He keeps us laughing and brings lots of joy to our lives. he chases a red laser light and litterally dives into his bed to catch it... he cries when we put the light up. When he thinks we have something for him he sits pretty... from then on he can have anything he wants. Needless to say, he owns us!

Me & Laney Grace
Laney Grace is my cousin, she lives in S. Ga and comes to visit sometimes I was about 2 monts old

Can you say cuuuuuuute?!!
Manny at 3 months old

To this day, Manny still loves to sleep here! He was 2 months old.

Kissin cousins
This is me and my cousin Laney Grace. She head butts me and we wrestle a lot! I love her!

It's really my recliner
I have a blue recliner and I let Papi in it sometimes!

Manny in his favorite spot - the stairs (he just had a bath... he has happy hair!)


Favorite food:


Favorite treat:


Favorite toy:

red laser light

Favorite spot to sleep:

between Noni & Papi under the covers


the vacuum cleaner

Papi writes:

We got Manny when he was 7 weeks old and he has been a part of our family ever since. He keeps us laughing and brings lots of joy to our lives. he chases a red laser light and litterally dives into his bed to catch it... he cries when we put the light up. When he thinks we have something for him he sits pretty... from then on he can have anything he wants. Needless to say, he owns us!

Comments about Manny

July 26, 2022 9:11 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

DOTD Manny!

I hope your day of doxie fame finds you healthy and happy and enjoying your senior years!

December 14, 2018 6:49 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Congrats Manny!

I hope you have an awesome day as our DOTD once again. My boy Willie loves that red laser also, good indoor exercise for sure!

April 29, 2015 9:55 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Mr. Manny

You make a very handsome DOTD. I love your long black hair. You grew up from an adorable puppy to a handsome dude. Thanks for sharing your cute pictures.(Herbie's mom)

October 22, 2011 3:02 pm
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA Proud owner of Macy and Bailey

What a beauty you are Manny. Love the picture of you and cousin when you were a baby. Wishing you a special doxie day to ya. Wags!

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